Monday, August 4, 2014

Gone Fishn'!

 The radiant blue sky was littered with white fluffy clouds; the sun polished through the trees all while an inviting breeze sifted through an incredible Thursday afternoon.  It was an amazing day to relax by the lake and go fishing – and that is EXACTLY what a few of the residents and staff at Willow Manor decided to do on Thursday, July 24th!  For a few summer hours our maintenance director, Ray Schlomer, and our activity director, Rita Kays, took a few gentleman out on the lake where they each caught at least one fish each!  During the summer hours, Willow Manor likes to take their residents out on these fishing trips – it’s something everyone looks forward to every year.  “We try to take them at least once a month during the warmer months, depending on how the weather is.” Willow Manor’s Activity Director, Rita, said, “As soon as it starts to warm up I usually have them asking when it is we’re taking them.  They all have a blast – we all do!”



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